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The end is no more NEAR, It's HERE.

Sometime ago, a preacher from a distant town was transferred to our local Church.

Some weeks after his arrival, he had an appointment that made him to board a bus to another part of the town.

When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had mistakenly given him his balance in excess of r
Rupees 5.

As he considered what to do, he thought within him,
'You'd  better give this money back. It would be wrong to keep it'.

Then another thought came,
"Oh, forget it, it's only 5 rupees; who would worry about this little amount,
after all the bus company makes so much money on fares; they will never miss it.

Accept it  as 'a gift from God' and keep quiet.

When he was getting down from the bus, he paused momentarily at the door, and then handed the 5 rupees to the driver and said,

the balance you gave me was over'.

The driver, with a smile, replied,'

'Aren't you the new  preacher in town?'

'Yes I am'
he replied.'
I'd almost concluded that there are no Christians anymore and I will not go to church again because of people's attitudes.
Thank God you passed this little test.
I have been thinking a lot lately about where to go to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I give you balance in excess.
I'll worship with you at the Church this Sunday.

When the preacher stepped off the bus, he grabbed a nearby pole, looked up and said,

'Oh God, I almost sold your  Son for 5 rupees.'

Our lifestyles are the only Bible some people will ever read.

This is just a subtle example of how much people watch us as Christians, and will put us to test!

Always be on guard -- and remember --

You carry the name of Christ on your forehead and shoulders once you call yourself a Christian. '

'Watch your thoughts;they become words.'

'Watch your words; they become actions.'

'Watch your actions; they become habits.'

'Watch your habits; they become character.'

'Watch your character; it becomes your destiny'.

I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder and I  chose to forward it to you.

 If you also do,
you would have ministered to someone today and God will bless you.

If you  must miss any place, don't miss HEAVEN.

The end is no more NEAR, It's HERE.

(Abridged. 50 niara replaced with Rs 5)


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