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Rahab...One of the Bold and Beautiful Woman in the Bible

ЁЯЩМЁЯП╗*Rahab...One of the Bold and Beautiful Woman in the Bible*

So Much has been written about this amazing woman who overnight became a success story because of her  Faith in Yahweh, Our Jehovah God. The Messianic Hope was in her Deliverance.

She was not only quick thinking and fast acting but the speed with which she acted tells me that she was waiting for this chance of her life time to have her destiny changed from becoming known as a Harlot to a Heroine and from being known as a Prostitute to being a Proclaimer of The One True God. She was a Weak Vessel, whose Weakness became Strength to harness the Power of God, 2 Cor 12:9-10.

She took the risk of harbouring the two spies because her focus was on their Godly Mission. The *whole of Caanan* heard about the Signs, Wonders and Miracles God performed for Israel but *only One* chose to Believe.

Rahab did everything by Faith. She confessed what she heard, Joshua 2:9-11.
Faith Comes by Hearing God's Word, Romans 10:17.
She must have kept rehearsing over and over in her mind about the great exploits God was doing for His People. She must have got all the outside Flash News from her Clients.
While Living an ungodly life, God in His Mercy was exposing her to His Godly Word. Revealation of God can come even in the most unlikely places.
The Prodigal son came to his senses to return home to his Daddy in the pigsty! The Most Holy Revealation in the Dirtiest of Places! God meets us where we are at, to take to where He is. That is Our God!

Rahab, while holding the lowliest position in her society was able to use her untapped potential and organizing skills when she carried out an audacious plan to save the spies. Sometimes it takes a challenging situation to bring out the best in us, Joshua 2:4-16.

She impacted and influenced the world around her because she became a channel for God's Purposes. God took her mess and turned it into a message for Generations to Come, and we still marvel at this Famous Harlot who has earned a place among the Heroes of Faith in Hebrews 11: 31 and in the Lineage of the Messiah. She Rose From Being an Obscurity to a Notarity.

Rahab pleaded with the spies for her whole family and she struck a deal with the spies, their safety for the safety of her whole family, Joshua 2:12-13.
But, she had to keep the scarlet rope which she used for the spies to escape down the city wall, hanging over the window as a sign.
She had to bring her whole family under the scarlet rope, Joshua 2:17-20.
The scarlet rope she used for the safety of the spies was used for her own safety. *What we serve and honour God with, He will bless and make useful to us* Joshua 2:22-24.

The scarlet colour which looks reddish, is a Reminder of the safety under the Blood of Jesus. Yes we can plead the Blood of the Lamb over our families.

Rahab not only Believed God but she obeyed the instructions given to her. Faith without deed is a dead faith, James 2:25-26.

Rahab played a pivatol role in the Fall of Jericho. God used a Woman of Bad Reputation for the Good of His People
Although the Canaanites had many gods, she had enough understanding to realize that the God of Israel was no ordinary Canaanite deity. She declared that there is no other God in Heaven or Earth like the Lord God, Joshua 2:11.

*The Story of Rahab is a Constant Reminder that Nothing is Impossible for God*. God does not focus on our messes and mistakes. We are no suprise to Him and nothing about us is Shocking to Him. He is Interested in what each one of us could be. He has already sown seeds of greatness in us and He knows how to bring them to pass.

Precious Child of God, if you feel you are a Nobody, then Come to Jesus just as you are and let Him Show up and Show you off as Somebody for His Glory.


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