*A very good article from a respected preacher/teacher Bro. R Stanley.. Read on..*
Election in India for Lok Sabha and a few State Assemblies is round the corner (April 2019). The TV channels are flooded with election propaganda. Mudslinging is the order of the day. No one knows for sure who speaks the truth and who pours out lies. Unethical practices super-abound.
So much of time, energy and money is wasted on worthless speeches. Charges and counter-charges of politicians make the newspaper headlines.
Most of the stuff is nauseating. The poor and the illiterate are cheated. The youth are confused. What is God’s message to us Christians at this hour in India?
There are Preachers and Christian leaders who motivate Christians to pray in favour of or against some politicians and parties. The Bible does not endorse such practices. Each political party has its strengths and weaknesses.
We must pray for the healing and welfare of the Nation, and God in His wisdom will choose the leadership suitable for the situation.
The insight King Nebuchadnezzar received, following the miraculous deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego from the fiery furnace, is profound. He wrote to all peoples, nations and languages,
“The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men ... And those who walk in pride He is able to humble”
(Dan 4:17b,37b).
Let Herod rule or Pilate rule. *It matters not to Jesus.*
Let Felix rule or Agrippa
rule. *It matters not to Paul.*
This should be our attitude as Christians.
There’s hardly any politician or party without corruption and ungodliness.
Jesus took the whip not to drive away the Romans but to cleanse the Church (Jn 2:13-17; Lk.19:45,46).
There’s more corruption and wickedness inside the Church than outside.
We the salt are losing our saltiness; we the light are losing our brightness (Mt 5:13-15).
Judgment must begin at the House of God (1 Pet.4:17a). God deals first
with the Church (Rev 2 & 3), and only then with the nations (Rev 6 onwards).
As the Church goes, so goes the world! When the Church repents, the Country will be healed (2 Chr 7:14).
If God in His sovereign wisdom allows an anti-Christian party to come to power, it will be an occasion to show forth His power on a larger scale.
If Pharaoh, who crushed God’s people, comes to power, the miracle of “dividing of a sea” will happen (Ex 14:21-29).
If Nebuchadnezzar, who took away the articles from the Temple of God to that of idols, comes to power, the miracle of “quenching the violence of fire” will happen (Dan 1:1,2; 3:26; Heb 11:34a).
If Darius, who banned prayers to God, comes to power, the miracle of “stopping the mouths of lions” will happen (Dan 6:6-9,18-23; Heb 11:33d).
If Romans, who persecuted Christian preachers, come to power, the miracle of “opening of prison doors” will happen (Acts 12:1,6,7; 16:20-26; Heb 11:36).
Let’s make the prayer of the persecuted early Church ours (Acts 4:23-31). Then “signs and wonders” shall follow, and we will preach the Gospel with greater “boldness.”
The large sections of evangelical Christians in America prayed against Mr. Barak Obama, but God gave him two consecutive Presidential terms! Let’s not be foolish enough to “advise” God whom He must make our President or Prime Minister (Rom 11:33-35). Let God act according to His “determined counsel” and “foreknowledge” (Acts 2:23).
Election in India for Lok Sabha and a few State Assemblies is round the corner (April 2019). The TV channels are flooded with election propaganda. Mudslinging is the order of the day. No one knows for sure who speaks the truth and who pours out lies. Unethical practices super-abound.
So much of time, energy and money is wasted on worthless speeches. Charges and counter-charges of politicians make the newspaper headlines.
Most of the stuff is nauseating. The poor and the illiterate are cheated. The youth are confused. What is God’s message to us Christians at this hour in India?
There are Preachers and Christian leaders who motivate Christians to pray in favour of or against some politicians and parties. The Bible does not endorse such practices. Each political party has its strengths and weaknesses.
We must pray for the healing and welfare of the Nation, and God in His wisdom will choose the leadership suitable for the situation.
The insight King Nebuchadnezzar received, following the miraculous deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego from the fiery furnace, is profound. He wrote to all peoples, nations and languages,
“The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men ... And those who walk in pride He is able to humble”
(Dan 4:17b,37b).
Let Herod rule or Pilate rule. *It matters not to Jesus.*
Let Felix rule or Agrippa
rule. *It matters not to Paul.*
This should be our attitude as Christians.
There’s hardly any politician or party without corruption and ungodliness.
Jesus took the whip not to drive away the Romans but to cleanse the Church (Jn 2:13-17; Lk.19:45,46).
There’s more corruption and wickedness inside the Church than outside.
We the salt are losing our saltiness; we the light are losing our brightness (Mt 5:13-15).
Judgment must begin at the House of God (1 Pet.4:17a). God deals first
with the Church (Rev 2 & 3), and only then with the nations (Rev 6 onwards).
As the Church goes, so goes the world! When the Church repents, the Country will be healed (2 Chr 7:14).
If God in His sovereign wisdom allows an anti-Christian party to come to power, it will be an occasion to show forth His power on a larger scale.
If Pharaoh, who crushed God’s people, comes to power, the miracle of “dividing of a sea” will happen (Ex 14:21-29).
If Nebuchadnezzar, who took away the articles from the Temple of God to that of idols, comes to power, the miracle of “quenching the violence of fire” will happen (Dan 1:1,2; 3:26; Heb 11:34a).
If Darius, who banned prayers to God, comes to power, the miracle of “stopping the mouths of lions” will happen (Dan 6:6-9,18-23; Heb 11:33d).
If Romans, who persecuted Christian preachers, come to power, the miracle of “opening of prison doors” will happen (Acts 12:1,6,7; 16:20-26; Heb 11:36).
Let’s make the prayer of the persecuted early Church ours (Acts 4:23-31). Then “signs and wonders” shall follow, and we will preach the Gospel with greater “boldness.”
The large sections of evangelical Christians in America prayed against Mr. Barak Obama, but God gave him two consecutive Presidential terms! Let’s not be foolish enough to “advise” God whom He must make our President or Prime Minister (Rom 11:33-35). Let God act according to His “determined counsel” and “foreknowledge” (Acts 2:23).
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