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Genesis 26; Job 32-33: Matthew 13: 44- 14:12


The first thing we learn about Elihu, who unexpectedly intrudes into the Job debate at this point in the narrative, is that he is angry. Four times in five verses the word ‘wrath’ is used of him. The second thing we note is that he is significantly younger than the previous speakers, 32:4, 6. That, of course, does not make him a mere novice, for his discourse is both intelligent and confident.  Nevertheless there is obviously an age gap of which he is very conscious. That, he tells us, is why he restrained himself from speaking until this moment.

Even Eliphaz, presumably the eldest of the three original visitors, had earlier pulled rank on Job in order to underline the importance of the triumvirate: ‘With us are both the grayheaded and very aged men, much elder than thy father’, 15. 10. And of course age should have its advantages in terms of accumulated experience, wisdom, and sympathy. Rehoboam’s elderly counsellors were far more astute in their advice than the young king’s contemporaries, 2 Chr. 10. 6-11. But, as Elihu remarks, ‘Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment’, 32. 9. Mere seniority in years does not guarantee the possession of spiritual understanding, for it is possible to be physically and even intellectually advanced and yet spiritually stunted. On the other hand, we may feel that the young Elihu himself is perhaps a little intemperate in his peppery self-assurance.

In every local assembly there should be young and old functioning peaceably together in the service of God. Because it is in the nature of youth to become impatient and hot-headed, Peter gives the instruction, ‘Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder’, 1 Pet. 5. 5. And because weight of years sometimes generates intolerance, Paul urges the Corinthian saints, ‘If Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear: for he worketh the work of the Lord, as I also do. Let no man therefore despise him', 1 Cor. 16. 10-111 The young have to respect the old, while the old must endeavour not to intimidate the young. John’s First Epistle addresses fathers, young men, and little children. In our local assembly may we minister together in family harmony.

Precious Seed


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