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Bible in 210 Days*


*Bible in 210 Days*      *28-04-2019*

ЁЯее *In a Nut Shell* ЁЯее

ЁЯд▒ *Mother’s Special* ЁЯд▒

ЁЯУЬ _The Book of Kings gives a detail note of the kings of Judah and Israel. Along with it is listed the names of the mothers of a few kings. Wonder why the Holy Spirit had to record their names in the Bible!_

ЁЯСС Here is a list of the kings and their mothers:

1. Jeroboam – mother was Zeruah, a widow woman (1 Kings 11:26).

2. Rehoboam – mother was Naamah an Ammonitess (1 Kings 14:21)

3. Abijam – mother was Maachah the granddaughter of Abishalom (1 Kings 15:1, 2)

4. *Asa – mother’s name is not mentioned. His grandmother's name was Maachah the granddaughter of Abishalom* (1 Kings 15:9, 10). 

5. Jehoshaphat – mother was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi (1 Kings 22:41, 42)

6. Ahaziah - mother was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri, king of Israel. (2 Kings 8:26).

7. Jehoash – mother was Zibiah of Beersheba (2 Kings 12:1)

8. Amaziah – mother was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. (2 Kings 14:2).

9. Azariah – mother was Jecholiah of Jerusalem. (2 Kings 15:2)

10. Jotham – mother was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok (2 Kings 15:33)

11. Hezekiah – mother was Abi the daughter of Zechariah. (2 Kings 18:2)

12. Manasseh – mother was Hephzibah (2 Kings 21:1).

13. Josiah – mother was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath (2 Kings 22:1)

14. Jehoahaz – mother was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah (2 Kings 23:31)

15. Jehoiachin – mother was Nehushta the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem (2 Kings 24:8)

16. Zedekiah – mother was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah (2 Kings 24:18).

ЁЯУЭ _God had a reason for listing the mother’s name in the Bible. *Perhaps they were noted to show their legacy. The kings had multiple wives; hence the name of the mother was necessary.*_

Last but not the least, *the mother is an important figure in every child’s life*. Be it a king or a commoner every child is entirely in the care of its mother during infancy. *Godly mothers bring their children with prayers. They are the first teachers to impart the fear of God and His commandments in the child’s life.* Such an investment lasts long though circumstances may not be conducive.

_*Mothers have an unique role to play in the upbringing of their children in fear of God. Catch them when they are young. Teach them when they are teachable. Pray for them and pray with them when they are tender to mould. As mothers when we do our part, God protects our children as they grow and step into the world.*_

ЁЯзХ Some believers also become *spiritual parents* to youngsters who come to Jesus from other faiths. *The role of motherhood extends to these as they spend time nurturing them in God's ways.*

God bless us to be channels of blessing as we surrender to be mother/father according to God given pattern.

_Mrs Sheela Jebakumar_
_Everyday Bible Devotion_ ✍


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